DMCA Policy

Introduction of DMCA Policy at

All the information or content published on is original & meant for educational purposes only. WikiBio publishes well researched original content on the website. Therefore, in any case, unintentionally we publish duplicate content, image or video from your website. If you are a legal copyright holder or a designated agent for such and you believe that content residing on or accessible through our website infringes a copyright and falls outside the boundaries of “Fair Use”, please tell us about the content by contacting us  [email protected] with the proper detail of copied content. After finding investigating properly, we immediately remove any duplicate content.

The requirement to file “DMCA take Down” on our Website

  • WikiBio needs Digital or Physical Signature of the content owner (Or any authorized person).
  • URL of copied content with complete information on copyrighted content.
  • Your official Full Name, Email address, Address to contact and any contact number (mobile or telephone number).
  • A complete statement is written by you or any authorized person who is sending the takedown notice, that the information given by you is 100% accurate. In addition to this, you are the owner of the content or you have the authority to act on the behalf of the copyrighted owner.

Note: Above given requirement can be changed, alter or modify. In addition, we can change these requirements without notifying any person. Therefore, you are advised to regularly check this page for any change in DMCA.

WikiBio will check your complaint and respond to you as soon as possible. ?